No Longer Time for Business As Usual…

In the current climate, things are changing quickly and we’re course-correcting daily to meet our Employees’ and Clients’ needs.

We’re Here If You Need Us

  • We’ll be operating with a skeleton crew moving forward. If you need to get in, let us know.
  • We’re reducing hours and staffing to accommodate Social Distancing, and we have the advantage of a beautifully spacious location. By staggering employees and clients, we can insure distance and adhere to no more than 10 people at a time.
  • Your regular technician may not be available – some of our employees with children need to stay home – and we’ve given all staff the option of whether to take clients at this time. If you need to get in, please be flexible to try another one of our talented artists if your regular technician is not available
  • Retail Purchase Pick Up! – we’re taking online orders for retail purchases! Simply pay by email or phone and pick up curbside. All requests will be fulfilled in 24 to 48 hours. Contact us at [email protected] or via our booking APP.

All Auto Payments have been canceled. Any March membership services will be rolled over into April. We’ll reevaluate AutoPayments once we resume business as normal.

Prom Deposits & Brides
All deposits will roll over to any rescheduled dates.

How Can You Help Small Businesses at This Time?

  • Buy a Gift Card via our online portal and apply it to your next appointment.
  • Refer a friend, or two!
  • Pre-schedule that reservation you’ve been meaning to make.
  • Shout us out on Social Media and post reviews to share the love.
  • Stock up on beauty supplies – do you have what you need for the next month of two?

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
One thing we know for sure – we can’t wait for things to get back to normal. Until then, we’re adapting our daily practices to support our Team, our Guests and our Community. We look forward to celebrating “back-to-business” with everyone again in the next couple of weeks.

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