We’re making lemonade out of lemons…..
Everywhere you turn, Corona Virus is the buzz. While we’d love to live in our happy bubble of positivity that’s our Coterie Culture, here’s how we’re addressing the issue.
Our number one priority is the safety of our customers, employees and our community. I want to ensure that we can meet our employees and our community’s needs, so I share the following with you:
At this time, COTERIE will remain open.
We will take it day by day and give updates as new information develops. Please continue to follow our Social Media through Instagram, Facebook and our coterie17.com/blog for the most recent updates.
PLEASE – if you are showing signs of illness, or have potentially been exposed to the Virus, we plead with you to reschedule your reservation to at least 2 weeks after quarantine is completed. To insure our staff is not showing signs of infection we have asked them to take their temperature before coming in. We have no reason to believe that any of our staff have been in any position where they would be exposed to the virus at this time. They have been directed that if at any point they believe that they may have been exposed, to put themselves in self-quarantine.
We’ve got you! No matter how crazy things get, we ask you not to panic – and if you have decided to self-quarantine, here’s what we can do to help.
- Curbside/Contactless Pick Up – can be made available for retail items, as long as we are not given a national quarantine order. Feel free to call or email us to check availability if you need to purchase hair, skin, body products; including minerals and collagen powders. In some cases we may even be able to arrange drop off, or we’ll be happy to run items out to your car.
- It’s a fact – you feel better when you look better. Don’t forget color root sprays and hair powders can help hide the gray and are safer and less damaging for a quick pick me up, or we can mix you up some of your personalized color for at home touch ups.
- Limited Gathering Guidelines
We’re shifting our staffing to adhere to the recommended guidelines to limit gathering of people. We’ll be spacing out our staff and customers to allow greater physical space between our guests as they perform services.
Let’s Talk Disinfectant | Fungicide | Germicide | Viricide!
As Licensed Cosmetologists, in a licensed facility, we’re trained to practice proper Disinfection and Cross-Contamination measures every day! As professional daily practice, all stations, service areas and hard surfaces are being regularly disinfected with surgical hospital-grade germicide multiple times a day. We wiping down stations and sterilizing and sanitizing implements and service areas after every guest. In additional, Coterie is designed with a state of the art HEPA system that constantly filters our air.
Additional measures:
We’ve shared and implemented all the applicable recommendations from both the CDC and WHO with our team. Want the official perspective? Read on…
Here’s a few other things we’ve put into play:
- All Team Members will be wearing protective gloves.
- We are adhering to the 5 ft. Social distancing.
- We have bleach wipes available to wipe down phones and keyboards for employees who share equipment.

Remember our “WARRIOR WITHIN”!
Ready for some positive perspective? At Coterie, we’ve taken a stand on integrating beauty with wellness.While all of the official recommendations are of extreme importance, let’s never forget how we were created – with a strong, natural immunity. Our bodies, in their natural healthy state, are designed to fight infection and develop antibodies!
*** There’s so many simple steps you can take every day to balance your immune system to fight infection; these are just a few of our faves.
- Take soil-based probiotics every day to replenish good bacteria, support gut health and reduce inflammation.
- Take minerals, silver, zinc, and yes coconut oil – all of which are naturally antibiotic in nature. Make sure minerals are angstrom-sized for proper absorption. Check out our selection of liquid mineral supplements – or search Mother Earth for more recommendations.
- Drink your organic ‘super greens’! Whether in teas, or waters – super greens and berries are high in antioxidants and naturally alkalinize the body and fight free radicals.
- Organic Apple Cider Vinegar – a spoonful a day is naturally probiotic, antibiotic, and support gut health and inflammation
- Don’t miss out on Vitamins D, C and Elderberry – all support immune function
- Use Collagen powder in drinks, smoothies, or even as an ingredient in any recipe. Collagen calms inflammation in joints and digestion.
- Don’t STRESS! – Stress is one of the biggest causes of illness in our bodies. Need to combat stress? Here’s some great suggestions from the experts.
Taking Care of One Another!
We are here for you… we are armed and dangerous & ready to serve you.
Here’s a few things we’ll be offering this month to help balance healthy immune systems… We know that stress is the enemy so want to lighten things up a bit during your visit.
- Look for fresh citrus shots! Grapefruit, orange, lemon and lime are all high in vitamin C and antioxidants.
- Sip some Super Foods! We’ll have Green and/or Berry teas available for an additional punch of antioxidants and hydration.
Did You Know? Most germs are more easily accepted into a body that is dehydrated. Hydration and Moisture is a great way to repel germs! So, drink lots of water to provide internal hydration, and insure that your body is moisturized externally to keep germs at bay. Great products that fit the bill:
- This virus does not like heat and Vitamin C is showing promising signs of helping to fight it. Drinking hot water with lemon is not only soothing, but it’s a great choice to boost your Vitamin C levels.
- Aloe-based formulas for hair and body fight inflammation, soothe, and provide superior moisture.Try Aloetherapy Body Moisturizer, Shampoo and Conditioner
- Beautifying Serum adds moisture to any product is a naturally anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal.
- Essential Oils reduce stress levels & create overall balance for well-being.